Thursday, July 30, 2009
Poem on The Loner
i leaned against the wall,
like i always did.
stared at the childen playing,
hoping they would talk to me.
I didnt dare approach them though,
Scared that they would harm me.
so every day i stood there,
and while i did my boredom-beating tricks,
i would slilently pray that as they walked past me,
they would invite me to join them.
my hopes were in vain though,
and as days passed, i would be left to watch them.
day by day my hope dwindled,
until one day,
i gave up.
i came to the wall for the last time,
watched the children for the last time,
and waited until the children left, for the last time.
then, i wrote,
'watch this space'.
and hoped that when the children came back,
and found out i had left,
they would, at least, hope to have me back.