Poem on The Loner

i leaned against the wall,
like i always did.
stared at the childen playing,
hoping they would talk to me.
I didnt dare approach them though,
Scared that they would harm me.

so every day i stood there,

and while i did my boredom-beating tricks,
i would slilently pray that as they walked past me,
they would invite me to join them.

my hopes were in vain though,
and as days passed, i would be left to watch them.
day by day my hope dwindled,
until one day,
i gave up.

i came to the wall for the last time,
watched the children for the last time,
and waited until the children left, for the last time.

then, i wrote,
'watch this space'.
and hoped that when the children came back,
and found out i had left,
they would, at least, hope to have me back.

What are your impressions of the boy and the children?

from the line:

"he leans against the playground wall"

we can see that he treats the wall like his own friend, providing support, company and security. from this we can infer that he is insecure about something, lonely, antisocial and dependant. my first impressions of him were that he was lonely and antisocial, and did not wnat to mix around with other children.
However after reading the last two lines of the first stanza:

"Back against the wall he stays-
and never plays."

i realised that he comes to the wall very often, but only watches the other children play. He has a sense of longing to play with them, and DOES in fact, want to join the other children. it also shows that he is probably envious of the children at the playground since he never gets a chance to play with them.

my first impressions of the children were that they were lively and energetic, as shown from the first line of the 2nd stanza:

"the playground's quick with life"

the lines:

"though sharp as a knife,
strife doesnt last long"

shows that though arguments can be harsh and hurtful they do not last long, and that the children can reconcile their differences.

"there is shouting, laughter, song,"

shows that since strife does not last long, the children are able to have fun and enjoy themselves.

do you sympathise with the joker?

no, i do not. i think he does not deserve to be sympathised as he is always creating trouble and chaos. He is a ruthless and cunning villain, robbing a bank and killing all the people he hired so that he can have all the money to himself. He is very intelligent, planning the robbery very well, so as that every one of the people he hired will end up dead, even dressing up like his accomplices to fool them. He likes to instill fear into his victims, making him a truly terrifying character.

What have you learnt from this?
i have learnt how to analyse characters.